Brad Gretzinger is an Associate Birkman Trained Coach and a valued team member of the Mentorshift Community with Jonathan Michael. Through the recommendation of David C. Bentall, Executive Coach and adjunct faculty at the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia, Brad met Jonathan Michael and began to be mentored in the Birkman Method®.
Here is what Brad says of his mentoring experience within Mentorshift : “It has been an honour to learn the Birkman Method directly under Jonathan’s mentorship. Since purchasing my Birkman report in 2012, I have been able to successfully launch a coaching practice in 2014, and have served nearly 25 clients. The Birkman Method has been a fundamental tool used to better understand my clients strengths and needs, increasing my company’s value proposition.”
Here is Brad’s Story: While saving up for university in the fall of 2007, Brad suffered three serious injuries. This led to a second year of saving before starting post secondary. He soon discovered that pain guides us to the necessary lesson. Later that year, he was gifted a book called The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale to study during his recovery.
Brad’s paradigms shifted, and he started to view the world through a different lens. Soon he was determined to get a sales job after reading its importance in business. Financial intelligence became his main focus, and he began attending seminars ran by Robert Kyiosaki to learn how to become an entrepreneur. Underneath his fathers mentorship, Brad started currency trading for 3-months on a demo account, but soon he found CUTCO.
5 years later, Brad is now responsible for nearly a quarter-million in revenues of CUTCO through referral-based marketing. Approximately, $185,000 has been generated personally, and $60,000 came from his Branch Office between his 1st and 2nd year of university. During this summer, he hired and trained 58 representatives over 3-months.
What started as a strange “knife-selling job”, turned into a vehicle for Brad to pay his way through 5 years of university, deeply imprinting necessary philosophies and fundamentals of sales and business. Currently, Brad has surfaced his genuine interest in watching others succeed, and specializes in career development, performance enhancement, and conflict resolution.
To know more find him here: